Investment Proposal A5423028 ENG.

Adcorporate is a result-oriented and highly successful organisation providing assistance in the buying and selling of companies. Operating since 2002, at both national and international level.

Object of transaction
The sale of 100% of the shares of several operating companies, which include both the oper-ation and transportation equipment. The companies are located in the Netherlands and Germany.

Reason for sale
The current owners want to shift their focus to non-competing activities. As there are no avail-able successors within the families, the owners are now seeking a suitable acquisition candidate. The owners are dedicated to ensuring a seamless transfer of knowledge, relationships, and expertise. Furthermore, they are open to retaining a minority share for a defined period to aid in the transition.

Profile Company
The transport company specialises in international (Europe) Line Haul Services. All transport is carried out in-house. The company has an extensive and up-to-date fleet (approximately 180 trucks and 400 trailers).
The company has long-term relationships with well-established customers, resulting in stead-ily growing revenue. The current owners are more concentrated on developing excellent client relationships with corresponding margins, rather than pursuing expansion.

The company has approximately 260 employees, including approximately 240 drivers and 20 office employees (planning, HR and administration). The company employs mostly international (multilingual) truck drivers with in-house training.
The operational activities are largely delegated to employees. The DGAs are responsible for procurement, negotiating rates with key accounts and the financial aspects of the business.

The headquarters is situated in The Netherlands; additionally, two branch locations operate in Germany. These properties are rented from the owners. If required, the German proper-ties may also be incorporated into the transaction.

Financial details

Consolidated accounts  Revenue (€) Norm. EBIT (€)
FY2021 30,500,000 2,250,000
FY2022 31,000,000 1,150,000
FY2023 32,500,000 2,600,000
P2024 35,500,000 3,600,000

The labour costs of international drivers increased over 20% in 2022, only in 2023 were the rates adjusted to reflect the increase in cost. Foreign road taxes/tolls increased in 2023, the rates for 2024 have been adjusted upwards accordingly.

The company is potentially an interesting addition for strategic parties looking to increase their market share in Europe. A comprehensive information memorandum is available after signing a non-disclosure agreement.

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